Out Now: Gone #3

The comic that helped launch this publisher has finally reached its destination: Jock's wildly imaginative sci-fi space opera, Gone, concludes (for now) with its third issue.
In this kinetic climax, scrappy teenager Abi—marooned on a luxury spacecraft for decades—faces off against celestial hive-mind parasites and double-crossing figures with deceptively intricate ties to her past. After last issue's harrowing cliff hanger, this finale ratchets up the adrenaline while reveling in Jock's sweeping portraits of the cosmos, expertly colored by Lee Loughridge.
Gone #1 was the first comic that DSTLRY released, and to celebrate its journey we're releasing three three exclusive covers only available through dstlry.co. The digital versions of these covers will only be available through May 15th.
Add them to your collection now or you'll have to hunt them down on our new digital marketplace!
dstlry.co exclusive undressed cover by Rossi Gifford
Digital ownership benefit cover by Sam Wolfe Connelly—free digital copy with physical purchase
dstlry.co interior art digital exclusive cover by Jock
Gone #1-3 Bundle with covers from Caitlin Yarsky, Ben Oliver & Rossi Gifford