Read the TIME WAITS #1 ASHCAN by Chip Zdarsky, David Brothers & Marcus To
Today is the last day to pre-order Time Waits #1, the wildly smart, white-knuckle, adrenaline-spouting time travel epic from superstar scribe Chip Zdarsky (Batman, Daredevil), David Brothers, and Marcus To (Guardians of the Galaxy). Available to order exclusively from Diamond (JUN241593), this sci-fi series revolves around Blue, a small-town gardening enthusiast...who also happens to be a former time-traveling mercenary, taking refuge from his former corporate overlords in a small Midwestern town. After his bosses find out where—and when—he's hiding, they send Blue's former soliders-in-arms after him, as Blue attempts to protect the makeshift family he's built in the meantime.
If you want to get a taste of the century-hopping action to come, DSTLRY is offering a free digital ashcan of Time Waits #1. CLICK HERE for a preview of the mind-bending action and deep characterization to come.
Happy reading!